Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why Winter is a Smart Time to Buy a New Car

When the snow flies, buying a new car might be the last thing a lot of people are thinking about doing; but, this is the number one reason why you should hit the dealers and look for a new ride. Buying a new car in the winter has a number of benefits – and with saving money at the top of the list, there is no reason to wait until spring to shop.

Winter Car Shopping Could Save You a Lot of Money

As with most things, there is an off season for purchases and winter is commonly a time when fewer cars are purchased; especially certain types of cars. Sports cars, convertibles and other cars that are considered summertime vehicles will often sell for less during this season because fewer people are in the market to buy them. Even family cars can sell for better prices in the winter since fewer people are shopping.
Early in the winter season, dealers are often trying to clear last year’s models off the lot. New models tend to arrive during the late summer and early fall, and whatever is left of the previous year’s models will go for a discounted price as the weather turns to winter. Dealers will be more willing to strike a bargain to move an older model.

Minimize Your Time in the Cold: Get Online

With fewer people shopping for a car in the winter, you can browse in peace and take plenty of time comparing models and test driving. To make your time out car shopping even easier, narrow down the list of cars you would like to look at – using websites such as or You can research models and see what is available in your area. When you arrive at the dealer, you will already know what you want to test drive. To find other ways you could save, check out, where you can look at cars whose owners are seeking a lease transfer or want to sell a car and transfer the payments on their loan.
You can also get car insurance quotes online to compare the insurance rates on the cars you are considering; this will help you to know what the cost owning each of the cars you are considering will really be.
Before you arrive on a dealer’s lot, you can be armed with knowledge about car insurance rates for the cars you want to look at and a good idea of what that car is selling for elsewhere; this gives you negotiating power. In the winter months, with fewer cars selling, you will find dealers much more willing to work on a great price.

Winter Ready Right Off the Lot

You may save money on your insurance premium if your car is equipped with winter tires – be sure to check with your insurance provider. Also, consider having winter tires put on your new car when you purchase it to qualify for a discount. You might even save on the tires if you purchase them through the dealer as part of the new car package.
Before driving your new car home make sure you have the right antifreeze; if the car has been on the lot a while it might not have been winterized. Ask the dealer to take care of winterizing the vehicle properly before you head home. Since you are already in a good position to negotiate, having things like this thrown in as part of the bargain is more likely in the winter.
Winter car buying has a lot of perks; more room to negotiate, less competition for the cars and fewer crowds at the dealerships. And the down side of car shopping in the winter – time spent in the cold looking at car after car – can be minimized with preparation done right at home from your computer. By comparing prices and models and getting car insurance quotes online before you head out you can spend less time in the cold and focus in on the right car for you. In the end, you could wind up with a much better deal than at any other time of year, making winter car shopping a smart choice all around.

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