Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cleaning Myth: Wax protection can be guaranteed to last up to one year

A claim may help sell a product, but Barry Meguiar says there are enough variables in place that make any such guarantees suspect.

A better strategy might be to consider those differences -- weather, use of road salt, whether your vehicle is parked outside or garaged -- and maintain accordingly. Meguiar's is taking that idea one step further with a personalized service that gives owners options based on their expectations.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Cleaning Myth: Diapers, t-shirts and flannel make good cleaning cloths

A smooth surface is exactly what you don't want to see in a cloth, the reason being those fine particulates that you're trying to capture.

While the cloth diaper or t-shirt may be clean, it's actually scratching the surface; a terrycloth premium microfiber towel is what's recommended, the deep pile surface creating a buffer zone that will pick up the bad stuff, not grind it into the paint finish.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cleaning Myth: There is no difference between polishing and waxing

Understanding what polishing and waxing are designed to do is key. Polishing creates a brilliant high gloss surface; waxing protects the vehicle's finish by coating it with waxes polymers, resins and silicones. Which means waxing won't make a dull surface shiny.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cleaning Myth: Waxing can remove swirl marks

Barry Meguiar says swirl marks, which are nothing more than scratches in the surface of a vehicle, can only be removed by getting to the bottom of it -- literally.

Today's modern paint finish actually magnifies the scratches, making swirl marks one of the more troubling aspects of maintaining a vehicle's finish. "We get more calls about swirl marks than anything else," says Meguiar.

Getting rid of them will depend on how deep the scratch is, with micro-fine, hairline scratches taken care of with a non-abrasive paint cleaner; moderate ones may require something a little more serious; even deeper swirl marks (caused by improper use of rotary buffers and rubbing compounds) may need professional color sanding and buffing.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cleaning Myth: If a car looks shiny, the cleaning process can be skipped

In this case, seeing is quite definitely not something you want to believe. "Your eyes can't tell you what's going on in the paint finish," says Meguiar, who suggests rubbing the face of your hand over the surface of the vehicle after a car wash.

"It should feel like glass if it's right. Most of the time it's going to feel more like sandpaper. You can feel the contaminants." Products like a clay bar can easily remove bonded contaminants, something that's essential before the application of a polish or wax.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cleaning Myth: Washing and cleaning are the same

A car wash removes loose contaminants; cleaning removes stubborn stains, blemishes and bonded contaminants, explains Meguiar. Bonded contaminants? Think tree sap and, almost as bad, an aerosol spray of tire rubber that no one can escape.

"When you're driving behind someone, the rubber from the tires is landing somewhere -- and that's on your vehicle."

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Myth: All oil filters are the same

You may think that “an oil filter is an oil filter,” but that’s not true, because there can be significant differences that affect both filtration efficiency and longevity. The oil filter is the engine’s main line of defense against abrasion and premature wear. The more dirt and other contaminants the filter can trap and hold the better.

Inexpensive filters are typically made with the 3,000-mile interval in mind, using low-quality paper media that deteriorates rapidly for filtration.

There are a number of new high performance premium oil filters on the market from manufacturers such as Royal Purple, Wix and K&N. These filters are made for extended oil drain intervals.

For example, Royal Purple uses a proprietary long-life, micro-glass media that provides protection for 12,000 miles.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Myth: Your tires should be inflated to the pressure shown on the tire sidewall

Because of the wide variety of tires on the market today, tires can be used on more than one vehicle, so inflating your tires based on the PSI number on the sidewall may not be ideal for your specific vehicle. Car owners should follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for cold weather and normal conditions tire pressure. That number can be found on a doorjamb sticker in newer cars, or in the glove box or fuel door on older models.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Myth: My car engine needs to warm up before driving

During winter months, it is a common practice for drivers to warm their vehicles up inside, but a cold engine will warm up faster when it is being driven instead of idling.

If you use your car infrequently, take a few minutes to warm up your car before you drive away. This allows cold, thick oil to warm up, protecting your engine from damage. For cold weather starts, all you need is 30 seconds to ensure proper oil flow and lubrication. In the event of frigid temperatures, driving at a slower speed for a few miles will give your car enough time to warm up.